Wednesday, August 15, 2018

English Language Challenges

English its an universal lenguage that everybody knows , at least a bit , every knows terms as "shorts" "blackout" " break" and some others , thats because its a worldwide tongue , many of supplies you buy in the super market are related to this lenguage many accions or clothes are related to this.
So , study this lenguage is a must that we need to do
When people travel to other countries , the first thing they must to know is english , its very helpfull to know at least a bit because we need to relate to others , speak to them and socialize .
and thus is why im learning english in my university , our beloved teacher <3 forces us to do this blogs , for me are a little boring but its a great way to practice writing , and talk with our classmates ,
i think this blogs has two important achieves , know better your classmates , because we need to comment their blogs with some opinion and practice English , search words to ensamble this text
often with elaborate words , but the most with commons  , i dont have more head to learn more english and math at the same xD
i have a lot to improve , my english is a little rusty , so i need to keep studying english , i think if i travel to USA i might learn a lot because i need to talk in this tongue , i think i would be fun
We need english for everything , recently i was playing a game that people speak in english and the only way to comunicate is talking in english , we use this for everything
and dont stop practicing , even english could save your life , so its wise to study it

Resultado de imagen para talk

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Changes to my study programme

i really think in my career dont need any change
but infraestructure its not the best , i dont really like the chairs , they are so uncomfortable
we need more green areas and maybe better microwaves because  they are really old
some of them are dirty and sucks a lot
I think the subjects are fine  because when we end this career you will be able to do anything ,
you will be prepared to deal with the job you want to do
teachers are skilled in their subjects so they explain the things the way you understand easily
of course you need to study as well , also exist extra classes to resolve doubts
by the way the time we spend in university demands a lot , i stay most of the time here
library has a lot of books , so the text i need to read to understand some subjects the most of the time are here
But nowdays you got the perfect tool for these lacks , internet , google has all you need to progress in a subject
we have a nice computer room , has air conditioner and in winter time is warm and comfortable
we have labs with all the tools to make the experience
i like this place , people is nice too most of the teachers studied here , they were students here some time ago and they wanted to do classes so this university has a familiar atmosphere
being a little mean , i dont like subjects like introduce to food engineering , i think they are such a waste of time
nah i wont really want change my study programms i thinks they are good
Resultado de imagen para books

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Mental Disorders

Today i will speak about schizophrenia , its a severe mental desease , people hear and see things who doesnt exist , usually they think that the things that they see want to harm them , so this people are agresive with their enviroment
They talk nonsense things , because they cant pull apart the reallity from the dream
this syntoms starts at 16 years to 30 , people with 45 and older cant develop this desease
and is  prone to men
a film called "a beautiful mind" talks about it , its a great movie , i recommend it
there is no cure , but some medicines can calm it , also the causes are unknown but scientist thinks that is for genetics
people can work but they must calm down their illness with drugs , i thinks some of they are funny and some are agressive , it is not an impediment to do their job but in worse cases these people need to be in a asylum
i think is hard to have a familiar with this illness but its not an impediment to love him , its your family after all but you need to take care sometimes about he
i dont think society wants to integrate them because they are ill , and when you are different to them , they see you with another eyes , a cold ones
by the way i dont have any dissorder if you already thought this :)
Resultado de imagen para schizophrenia

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

my future job

in future i want to work in a job that i can do whatever i want i will try to reach the boss possition of a middle/little company , im studying ingeneering to do this
the company must be about something that the market needs
we will try to fill the markets needs , first we need a market´s study to know what to supply
in my job i think i will travel a lot because we need to know the people preferences
in this moment i dont know the target we want to adquiere , but i think it will be something about food ,  food is so important in people life
and the salary , all people dream with a multimillonary paid but i think it will be proportional to my efforts so the money will be secondary , i only want to be happy with my job , because it will forever i guess , another slave of this society :(
in this moment im studyind food ingeneering , in this career we study about chemical process of the food and how to preserve it and all the industrial process
i will try to espcialize in economy things to know better how the markets works
if i could i want to make my company near santiago , because i want to be in touch with my friends and especially to my family
i think i can change mi vision of my future job with time , it will take 6 years more to be titled
if i will make my company in santiago , i will work indoor , because the high temperatures in summer and extremely cold in winter
but if i win the lottery i wont work , i wish i could , i hate to work

Resultado de imagen para work
this is how i see me in 10 years more jaja

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

My favourite book and film

In this blog i will write about my favorite book and film
 when i was young i read "lo impensable " write by pablo huneeus , actually i dont like to read , its boring to me but this book i took from a friend it made me think , the central plot its about the use of chemical weapons and nuclear energy , talks about where the humanity goes , if the nuclear technology helps humanity or destroys , actually i recommend it a lot especially if you like chemistry or physics

 Resultado de imagen para lo impensable pablo huneeus
also my teacher wants me to write about a movie , i actually didnt see a movie that i liked in years but if my memory goes well i really like a lot of movies , "plague dogs" is one of them
its an england movie made with cartoons ,an animation movie , its a very sad film , the main characters are two dogs named rowf and snitter , they were used in laboratory experiments , the movie start when they escape from the laboratory  with the plague desease in their bodies , so the scientists try to hunt them , the dogs were so ill , one of them , snitter , had visions , paranoia , see thinks that dont exist in reality , constant fever , and some other mental deseases
the dogs in their journey made a friend , a fox called tod , he dies trying to save the dogs life , so the dogs escape to the sea trying not been killed
in middle of the sea they get tired , so the dogs begin to drown in the sea  , in the last moment of life , snitter the dog with schizophrenia see an island , and rawrf , the other dog , answer it saying "yes i see the island snitter we are safe now", knowing there wasnt an island  and knowing they were drowning
moments before die
Resultado de imagen para plague dogs

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The best holiday/concert I´ve had

in holidays i always go to my uncle´s house north of santiago , a place named Quilimari its like 200 km north of santiago
i always go in summertime so you can imagine the weather , its like 35 degrees , so beach its the best place to stay alive
Quilimari its a small town so there are no marketplaces to buy , you need to go to the next town to buy the food and other stuffs
the town besides Quilimary is named Pichidangui , its a bigger town and have its hospital , some grocery stores , and got a pub to share some pints with your friends
and in the night there is a craft fair , people sells their manual crafts so the fair is always crowded , i really dont like to go to the fair but sometimes it worth , works are so greats , some years ago i found a wooden boat crafted with only one log obviously its was made in a scale , i wanted to buy it but it was so expensive , i thought it was fine i dont need a ship in my house :c
in fact my holidays arent so great but i always enjoy to spend my time with my family
i almost forget to talk about the dunes and the hills near the shack
when the weather is cloudy you can walk miles in sand and slide in the top of the sand hills its so fun
and the best of all , i think its in the nightime because you can see the night sky with blinkings stars
people usually wants to see them with a telescope , its a beautifull scene i think its a pleasure to see them smoking with someone else or listening music , its too quiet in the night i love it
Resultado de imagen para playa pichidangui

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A country I would like to visit

if i had the possibility to travel far away from my country i would try to visit norway ,
why norway  you ask , because it´s a cold weather country , their mystical swamps
high mountains , their green lands Resultado de imagen para norway tourist places, and most important to me is their music i really love their music
it´s so pleasant to me listen music of norway , most of all their heavy metal
norwegian people are so kind with outsiders , it´s so nice to talk with people with rich folklore and exchange ideas from my culture , when you think about norway the first think you have in mind is their ancient gods like Odin , Thor , Loki and others demigods . it´s so exciting think in someone who could use thunders as his weapons to fight ice giants.
beside their lenguage it´s so weird but amazing i think i could learn some.
i dont know about their travel tours but it will be amazing if i could stay some time there , new technologies starts from norway like recycling tech
it´s an amazing country and a must , that i have to do